Building Trust in Changing Environments

In today’s complex and dynamically changing times, we see that individuals find themselves being challenged on the work, social and personal fronts. This is causing a high degree of stress and anxiety for many. This article focuses on highlighting the possible influences of work environment changes on a professional’s psyche. While a basic concept is presented, it […]

The MARS Factor for Corporate Managers

“Managing Additional Responsibilities Successfully” (MARS) is relevant to all levels of managers in corporations and large institutions. In the context of promotion or role expansion: (a) Vice President to CEO (b) A Country Head to a Regional Head (c) A CFO given charge of a Purchase function (d) A General Manager, Production, asked to take […]

Successful Leaders manage “Commitment & Trust” better with “Distributed Thinkers”

Digital media aids thought multiplicity, thereby increasing the number of people who look at and understand things differently My earlier article “Successful Leaders Manage Distributed and Diverse Thinkers Better” was found to be a heavy read. This is an attempt to convey a simplified version of the message. This article highlights new challenges that leaders […]

Successful Leaders Manage Distributed and Diverse Thinkers Better

One of the major challenges of leaders today is getting perception alignment on goals within teams, groups, and the organization as a whole. Leaders, therefore, have to manage goal achievement with deficit levels of collaborative commitment and trust. Thought alignment and building confidence lead to a conviction for action.  In today’s digital age, information availability […]

Context Matters – Successful leaders choose their playing fields

When candidates or selectors look at filling a new position, within or outside an organization, both entities need to carry out a “Context-Fit Assessment” (CFA). This is in addition to other standard parameters used to ensure the probability of success of the selected candidate, in the new role. Generally, when it comes to selecting leaders, we feel […]

Successful Leaders Link Knowledge to Action

Let’s start our conversation with these questions: I know how to climb Mount Everest but can I do it? I know how to negotiate a big deal but can I do it? I know how to handle labor unions but can I do it? You will find interesting references on “Linking Knowledge to Action” on […]

Successful Leaders and “Interlocking Strategies”

“Interlocking directorates” is a concept that is not given enough importance for performance enhancement both within and outside organizations. It can be applied across the board from MSMEs to large corporations and is found to be useful at the individual level for career progression as well as for business performance enhancement and goal achievement. Links: […]

System Creep is a Normal Phenomenon that needs to be kept in Check

The concept of systems creep is inherited from the US Government report on “The Challenger Space Shuttle” episode. Here is a brief extract from the same: Extract from report: Investigation of the challenger accident ­– Report of the committee on science and technology house of representatives ninety-ninth congress. ( The Committee confirms that the safety, reliability, […]

Managing “COVID Fatigue” in an evolving “New Normal”

The physical and mental churn over the past pandemic year has caused people in all walks of life to experience COVID fatigue. This fatigue is caused by three factors: The pressure to make a self-assessment of the situation because of the unreliable data coming from governments and world-renowned organizations The multiplicity, complexity, and dynamicity of […]